Friday, 24 September 2010

Cheese Button

Cheese button means a combination between kaastengels and sagu keju, plus sweet taste of icing on top. I should have brushed more icing to strengthen the sweet taste of it.

Bean Cake

First time me with steamed buttercream and frozen buttercream transfer. Look at the difference between the original picture and my buttercream transfer on first try. Haha, my mistake, really....The one on the cake was the second try. 

Udang Kaki Naga

Made of shrimps, bengkuang, and covered with shredded dumpling skin.

Princess Cake

Finally, on my niece's birthday, I made this mini princess cake, just to fulfill my curiosity after seeing so many NCC members' awesome creations. What looks easy in my mind, turned out difficult to be done, especially MAKING THINGS NEAT. The princess looks waistless because of my mistake, :). After all, I'm so happy I did it.

Roti Sobek